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About Us

Meet the Team

We have officially been in business since 2020, but have been managing our own rentals for about 10 years now. My husband and I are both licensed real estate agents for the state of Idaho. We are also members of the NARPM (National Association of Residential Property Managers) community and stay current on the latest property management industry trends.

Picture of Hannah Haaker
Hannah HaakerProperty Manager, Owner

My name is Hannah Haaker and I am the owner operator of Lake CDA Property Management. I have worked in retail, tossed pizza’s, sold luxury items for Nordstrom’s, worked as a service advisor and sales associate at BMW, even had an insurance business for a hot minute. My work experience has been a bit all over the place but given me exactly that, experience. Experience at handling problems, dealing with people, building relationships, keeping clients happy, scheduling, answering phones, and so on. To top it off, during the majority of these jobs I put myself through school to earn my bachelor’s degree, graduating from the University of Redlands in Business Management. It only took eight years to get the most expensive piece of paper I own.. But, it also proved my determination and grit. Also during this time I had my own life lessons in property management with my first home purchase. A condo in Southern California that I started renting, due to my now husband, Colton Haaker sweeping me off my feet - he would so gladly mention. I rented to a family of four who seemed very nice and respectful. Nice and respectful quickly turned to stories about their vet bill, or cancer or anything they could come up with to not pay rent or just a portion. After six months of an eviction process and not taking any payment (California bylaw) I was left with my first home completely trashed, legal fees and a lot of pieces to pick up. Going through this lesson I think would have made most turn their back on property management and perhaps real estate as a whole. But, I told you I was determined. I fixed the place up and got it re-rented with a much better system, tenant and lease agreement. I will never let that happen again. Fast forward to today almost ten years after all the life lessons I own, operate and love my career. Our goal at Lake CDA and my promise to you, is that I will always treat your property as if it were my own. I take a lot of pride in all my past experiences as they have helped me perfect my systems so I can better serve you, the property owner. When I’m not taking care of properties I try to be a loving wife and caring mother to our two daughters, London and Eliza. One day I will get back into my passion of mountain biking ;)

Picture of Colton Haaker
Colton Haaker Owner

Colton Haaker, (Hannah’s assistant) as we like to call him in the office. ;), came into property management by chance. He is a professional athlete who had the realization that motorcycle racing actually did have a life expectancy; and he did in fact age.. Through this realization he started to invest his earned income from sport into rental properties as his retirement fund if you will.. Managing his own properties at first was the best learning experience he could have had. Mistakes are going to happen when learning a new skill and Colton knows as good as anyone that practice makes perfect. He managed his own rentals for 5 years before taking on a family friend’s property and since then has grown his own rentals profitability and their clients through good strategies, planning and diligence. He still races motorcycles professionally today as he maybe hasn’t quite accepted he is in fact getting old. When Colton is not managing rental properties, meeting tenants, performing maintenance, or winning national championships... he is helping others invest in their financial futures facilitating real estate sales transactions as a Berkshire Hathaway Home Services real estate agent.